The Journey Continues

It's been a month exactly since my last post. It's been a little tougher the last couple of weeks. I missed a few trips to the gym because of a sick child, traveling, and lack of motivation. I had a .2 gain this week, but am hoping for a big loss next week. It's easy to get discouraged, but I can not give up. I will not give up. I just took pictures and can actually see a difference in the past 8 weeks. I feel myself slipping a little on my eating, so I need to get that back on track. I lost my personal trainer and got a new one to finish out my contract. I didn't care for him as much. Too much conflicting ideals with the other trainer and I just didn't click with him. And, since I'll start my training for the 60-mile walk in May, I've decided not to do any more sessions with a trainer until later. I'm just going to take the routines and information I've learned and work on my own. That's the plan! Here are some pictures, taken exactly 2 months apart. It's motivating to actually see a change. Hopefully in 2 months when I take pictures again, I'll be in new clothes because these are too big. =)


  1. Anonymous said...:

    You look great and I am totally inspired! Ahh!! I haven't to get back on this bandwagon of amazingness Kimmy!

    You look great!

  1. Stay in the game. Way back when I lost 70lbs it was the hardest thing I have ever done. I kept it off for two years but most of it all came back when my lifestyle went back the way it was. When you lose it you must change your entire lifestyle in order to keep it that way. Good Luck and you are giving me hope for myself. Sure do miss you!

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