Once again I've fallen off of the blogging wagon. You'll have to settle for an occasional update for now. Several have asked about a few happenings in our lives so I thought I'd pop on here and knock it all out at once.
First of all, we're having a great summer. It's been packed full of swim team - which just ended. The girls did great! Maddie made the team this year and finished with several first place honors. Audrey made some awesome time improvements and made it into the "double digit" club (improvements over 10 seconds). We've had a couple of weeks of cheer camp and a week of drama camp. This week we are taking it easy before jumping into VBS and an overnight cheer camp next week.
Maddie after making the swim team. |
Not sure that I ever posted this, but I took over as Coordinator for our competition cheer program. I won't be coaching this year, but will be overseeing all the teams and doing all the "behind the scenes" stuff. Our program has grown so much and I'm excited to see how the Lord is going to work this year. I took several of the coaches on a cabin retreat right before camp. It was an amazing time of rejuvenation and reflection. God has truly anointed the ladies that are serving as coaches and I know it's going to be a wonderful year.
Love my sweet coaches and friends! |
Getting into the spirit! |
We were suppose to be heading to Pure American Nationals today, but we opted out. We had so much on our plate. The expense was huge and our traveling/split the cost partners had to withdraw, so we chose to, as well. It would have been loads of fun, but there are greater needs here right now.
Derek and I celebrated our 10th wedding anniversary in May. We celebrated with an Eastern Caribbean Cruise. It was so much fun! It was our first trip without the girls and I missed them terribly! We really had a great time. A couple of families from our church were on the same boat, so that made it extra fun. :)
The end of this month Derek and I are heading to my 20th high school reunion. I still can't quite wrap my brain around that one. Have I really been out of school that long? I'll be honest, I'm a little freaked out with my own insecurities - ya know, that same ole battle I fight every year with the weight issues. But, I am who I am. I'm going to go and enjoy myself. I'll get to see some amazing friends that I literally haven't seen in 20 years. And, maybe by my 30th reunion, I'll be skinny. LOL
Throw back to my Senior Pic. |
Audrey turned 9 last week. Seriously, I'm feeling super old here! She had a great time. We got a couple of neighbors and went to the mall. They went to My Room Rocks and designed some rooms. It was super cute! Can't believe this big girl will be starting 4th grade in the fall. (Did I mention we just bought her a size 8 women's shoe?!)

Many have asked, so here's the scoop on the house. Have you ever fallen fast and hard for something or someone? Well, we did! We weren't looking to move, though we've casually talked about it for years. We have dreamed of living out on land, having some livestock, and enjoying the quiet. Well, we found an amazing home on 10 acres of land about 45 minutes north of us. It was everything we ever dreamed of - and much more. We were willing to do whatever we could to get it. For several weeks we negotiated with the sellers and finally came to an agreement which ended in a contract on the house. We scrounged up closing costs and down payment - the night before our cruise! We dreamed of the animals we would get, swimming in our new pool, where our furniture would go - all the fun stuff! Well, obviously God had other plans. I'll spare you all the details, but about 2 weeks after we put the contract on the house - and put our own on the market - things started to fall apart. There were numerous issues that popped up - some that our lender said she had never in her career seen. In the end, we felt like this was not a good choice for us. The Lord gave us a very clear "out" and we took it. It was heartbreaking at the time, but I know that it was what was best. As of now, we still have our house on the market. We've had 30 showings in a little over 30 days. We've had one offer, which we turned down. We're looking at other properties. We're taking our time and making sure we are wise with our decisions. It's exciting - yet challenging! Half of our belongings are in a storage unit 30 minutes from here. LOL We have to keep the house "show ready" all the time - which is difficult with 2 children, 2 dogs, and a cat. We've looked at so many different options. Right now we're leaning towards a "fixer upper" that's on a beautiful 3 acre lot. We'd love to make over our own kitchen, add a swimming pool, and update with our specific tastes. We're just going to keep looking and praying. The Lord will put us right where He wants us - and I know we'll be happy with wherever He picks!
Lastly, I wanted to share some exciting happenings with Chosen. We are finishing up a CD project. It's been incredibly exciting recording and going through the whole process of making an album. Hopefully it will be out by Christmas. :) In the meantime, we'll be on an episode this Friday night on TLC's Say Yes to the Dress - Atlanta!! We filmed an episode with the beautiful bride, Chrissy, back in October. We didn't know if the episode would get picked up or not since they only air about 20 of the 80+ brides they film. We just found out last week that they did choose Chrissy - so we'll be on TV THIS WEEK!! I'm scared to death - and excited all at the same time. You never know how on earth they will edit things. They did have us sing a few diddies here and there. :) No matter what they do or do not air, I pray that Chrissy's story will touch the lives of others. She is a beautiful person inside and out. I'm blessed to call her friend. And, I'm proud to say that I've seen her live out a life of grace and dignity in troubled times. God is truly faithful to those who believe.